Parish Ministries

Administrative Ministries

Finance Council: A consultative group of selected parishioners that advises the pastor on financial matters.

Pastoral Council: A consultative body in the parish that serves to advise the pastor about pastoral issues.

Fundraising Committee: Volunteers organize ways for the Parish to raise money for our ministry needs and help selling chances.

Faith Formation Ministries

Baptismal Preparation: Meets with parents who are preparing to have their first child baptized. Training is provided. If interested in joining the team, please see the Pastor.

Catechist Ministry

Marriage Preparation

Prayer Chain Network Ministry: Prays for the immediate needs of others. Prayer requests are facilitated through a Network. To make a confidential request, contact Ministry Leader Barry Scholcoff at 609-266-7888.

Prayer Groups

Rosary Group: Coordinates the leading and praying of the Rosary at regular scheduled times during the week at the church.

Scripture Study: Small groups, usually between 8 – 10 people, that get together to share the scriptures.

Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers: Servers assist in the celebration of the Eucharist at Sunday Mass, Weddings and Funerals. 

Altar Angels: A group of volunteers who help maintain and clean the altar linens.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word: The Children’s Liturgy is held during the 9:30AM Mass on Sundays. All children (PreK thru 3rd Grade) welcome to participate each week. 

Choir & Instrumentalists: All ages are welcome to come and lift their voices in song to the Lord. The ministry sings at all celebrations, members can make a commitment that works with their schedule.

Church Decorating Committee: Decorates the Church during the Christmas and Easter Seasons and other special occasions.

Eucharistic Ministers: Ministers of Communion to assist in the distribution of the Eucharist during the celebration of Mass, to the sick and home bound of the parish. 

Funeral & Bereavement Ministry: Help plan the funeral liturgy with families who have lost a loved one.

Greeters and Ushers: Welcome parishioners and visitors as they enter the Church, assist by seating people, taking the collection, facilitating the flow of people receiving Communion and distributing Bulletins at the end of Mass. 

Lectors: Readers of the Word assist at Mass with readings from Sacred Scripture. Lectionary workbooks are given to the readers so they may be prepared for Mass.

Martha’s Helpers & Sanctuary Cleaning: These volunteers clean the church according to the prearranged schedule. This includes cleaning after Mass due to current COVID sanitizing practices.

Sacristan Ministry: Prepare and assist the priest for the Sacred Liturgy either for daily Masses or weekend Masses.  If interested, please see the Pastor.

Community Ministries

Baking Ministry: Bake for special Church events and occasions.

4Ever Young Senior Ministry:  Informative social gatherings for seniors 60+ in St. Philip Hall.

Hospitality Ministry: Donuts and coffee are served after every Mass in St. Philip Hall running from October t0 May, every second Sunday of the month. Due to COVID overflow setup this ministry is currently on hold.

Little Catholic Gift Shop: A small gift shop located in St. Philip Hall. Religious articles and special occasion gifts & cards are available.

Nursing Ministry: Nurses in the field provide a service during Hospitality Sunday to take blood pressure of our parishioners.

Social Events Ministry: Volunteers meet and organize social events for the parish such as the Chicken BBQ and Night at the Races.

Scribe Ministry: Volunteers send handwritten messages of encouragement, congratulations or condolences to fellow parishioners and/ or families.

Youth Group: All teens Grades 7 to 12 are welcome to join to share some faith and fun. Meetings are every other Sundays from 4-5pm in St. Philip Hall.

Outreach Ministries

Knights of Columbus: The Brigantine Council (#7020) helps St. Thomas Parish and the Brigantine Community. The Knights is about fellowship and charity to the needy in our community. Our Council 7020 is the most active in South Jersey. There is a meeting the first Tuesday of each month in St. Philip Hall. New candidates for membership are always welcome.

Homebound Ministry: Volunteers help make our parish homebound aware of services available locally and within the state. We also setup routine visits with our Priests, Eucharistic Ministers and volunteers to help them not feel so isolated.

Mailing Ministry: Helps with large Parish mailings through out the year.

Technology Ministry: Helps the Parish with technology and streaming video services.

Pro-Life Group: Team members work to educate parish members on all “Life Issues” from conception to natural death, organize and sponsor “Respect Life” events, and help the parish take part in local or national events.

Publicity & Photography Ministry: Writes articles and provides pictures for the local newspapers.

Social Network Ministry: Keeps the community updated through posts on Social Media.

St. Dismas Ministry: An anonymous group helping Brigantine residents who need help.

Stitch in Time: Volunteers knit and crochet blankets for babies.

True Spirit Coalition: Provides a food pantry for Brigantine residents in need.

Women’s Club: A Christian based group of women whose mission is to help St. Thomas Parish and the Brigantine Community.