Religious Education-Sacraments

…Parents are the primary teachers of the faith by sharing in word and example. Religious Education helps to support the parents in sharing the message of Jesus Christ by providing instruction in a classroom setting.

First Penance
Your child must have attended at least two consecutive years of Religious Education classes prior to the reception of The Sacrament of Penance. Any child who misses more than five (5) classes will be required to repeat the year and will not receive this Sacrament.

Parents of second year students MUST attend one parental preparation meeting for First Penance.

First Eucharist
Each child MUST have completed the Sacrament of First Penance prior to receiving the Sacrament of First Holy Communion. Any child who misses more than five (5) classes will be required to repeat the year and will not receive this Sacrament.

Parents of second year students MUST attend one parent preparation meeting for the First Eucharist.

Confirmation is received during the child’s eighth grade year in school. The child MUST have completed a special two- year program –which is taught in grades 7 and 8. Any child who misses more than five (5) classes will be required to repeat the year and will not receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.  There is an additional $40 fee per student that must be paid before the practice to pay for the gown and other materials necessary for the sacrament. The requirements for the Sacrament of Confirmation are:

Parents MUST attend a preparation meeting for Confirmation.

Each child must pass a written test.

Each child must participate in a Mandatory Retreat or an equivalent make up activity to be determined by the pastor.

Each child must attend the mandatory confirmation practice.

YOU are the true teachers of your children. We ask that you become involved in your children’s progress in religious education classes.  By placing your children into St. Thomas’s religious education classes, we hope this will allow us to enrich and grow your children’s Christian experience. We are involved in developing in our students a scale of values, for it is our belief that Religion is not just a topic to be studied, but it is the way in which one lives.

With your cooperation, we can succeed in teaching each child to KNOW, LOVE and SERVE GOD.

Your Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The Clergy, Teachers, and Staff of St. Thomas the Apostle Church